Delivery Informations

We deliver to all areas across Egypt.
The moment you complete your purchase, your delivery will be processed. We will send you a confirmation email to the email address you have provided, which includes the goods you have ordered and their cost.
Delivery Options
• Home Delivery - delivery cost is EGP (x), or free delivery on
orders over EGP (x). Please note orders will be delivered within 2-5 days.
Home Delivery
We deliver to: Metropolitan:
• Cairo and Giza Alexandria:
• Alexandria Suez Canal:
• Port Said
• Ismailia
• Suez
• Qaliyobiya
• Minoufiya
• Sharqiya
• Gharbiya
• Daqahliya
• Behaira
• Damietta
• Kafr-e-Sheikh Central Egypt:
• Fayoum
• Beni Suef
• Miniya

• Assiut • Sohag Upper Egypt: • Qena
• Luxor • Aswan Touristique:
• Red Sea
• South Sinai
• North Coast
• Matrouh Remote Areas:
• New Valley
• North Sinai
• Abu Simbel
• Marsa Alam
• Salloum
• Halayeb
• Shlateen
Payment Options
Credit/Debit Cards
We accept payments through local & international credit/debits cards such as VISA & Mastercard.
Cash On Delivery
The cash on delivery option is limited to a maximum of EGP (x) per order. We offer alternative payment options through debit/credit cards for orders above EGP (x).